you can make your order by any communication I have…
facebook: cabbit
Instagram: cabbit_design
Link to order capes or breeches:
Order form

I put you on my list from the moment I have your measurements and specifications of what you like.
I normally have about approximately a 3-4 months of a waiting list. But if you have a birthday or other deadline, I can see what I can do to deliver on time.
So normally I hope I can deliver in time. It is difficult putting a time on it because it is still a side job and I have my main job, depending on how busy this is too, and how many customers before still.
Everything (except production line) is made by me only and is totally custom-able. If you have any crazy ideas to add or change things ask away, and I will do it at the best of my capacity, it might add to the price nevertheless. 🤷?
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me…
If you decided, and I put you on my list, I will let you know when I start and if it is almost ready and keep you up-to-date. When you give me your address I can calculate already the shipping too, and I will ask you to pay just before shipping if possible by bank transfer, card or PayPal, I will send you the invoice just before. If you fill out the form, you are directly added to the list and I have all necessary details. Thank you for your trust.
Many regards,